Comodality is the optimal use and combination of the different modes of transport.
Lorry-Rail complies with this new concept of intelligent mobility by enabling the optimal use of each mode of transport. It enables:
- More competitive and sophisticated logistics chains
- The development of intelligent transport systems
- A Transport cost decrease
- A decrease of environmental negative impacts
- Traffic congestion decrease
Comodality is environment friendly.
For the 1050km distance between Bettembourg (Luxembourg) and Le Boulou (Perpignan), CO2 gas emission reaches 1 ton by road transportation against only 0.2 ton by using Lorry-Rail service: 5 times higher by road!
$path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if (($path == $GLOBALS['base_path'].'services/presentation') OR ( $path == $GLOBALS['base_path'].'services/')) {

if ($path == $GLOBALS['base_path'].'services/avantages') {

if ($path == $GLOBALS['base_path'].'services/conditions') {

if ($path == $GLOBALS['base_path'].'services/co-modalite') {
